Dream Job Profile: Jasmine Alleva
image c/o: @jasminealleva
Jasmine Alleva
Anchorage, Alaska
Occupation/Agency Representation:
Professional Model for dep Models (which is my mother agency), currently modeling with Vivien’s Model Management in Sydney, Australia.
image c/o: @jasminealleva
When did you get started in the industry?
Gosh, maybe when I was around 17 or 18 and started dabbling in working with photographers in my hometown.
What was the biggest challenge in getting started?
Professionally, the exposure was extremely difficult. Alaska is so isolated from the places where going into my industry is even a remote possibility. I had a lot of help from Thuy Vo, but it was still like trying to navigate a corn maze while blind-folded and crawling.
What did/do you do to overcome doubt/stay inspired to continue to pursue your dream?
Staying ahead of doubt is like staying ahead of pain. Treat it before it gets out of hand. Of course, I’ve lost control a few times, but it’s actually so nice to hear feedback and realize that I worked tirelessly for this and it isn’t as out of reach as I think it is. But yeah, like others I watch Tony Robbins videos and read Joan Didion and remind myself that I’m a badass. Reading helps a lot - it makes me feel less alone.
image c/o: @jasminealleva + @mclarenray
What are your top three modeling experiences?
1. Getting cast for Cosmopolitan Magazine the first day I was in Sydney (which was a horrific experience). It was the silver lining in the shit storm cloud.
2. My first shoot back with my favorite team in Anchorage, which is Thuy Vo, Kristin Forbes, and Maria Camacho. I love all female teams because they’re comfortable and fun, but they’re my favorite because we laugh the entire time. I missed them terribly when I went away for the first time.
3. One time I had to work with a boa, which was weird, but I felt like Cassandra from Wayne’s World (and she’s a babe! Schwing!) and I don’t know why, but it was like, empowering.
Most embarrassing modeling experience?
Anything having to do with runway is embarrassing and I try to avoid it like the plague. My first runway experience was TERRIFYING. I really plodded down the runway and nearly twisted my ankle. Everyone gasped and I was like,”shit”... AUDIBLY. I’m not graceful or poised and heels are just... no.
Favorite place to travel?
Chicago. That’s all.
image c/o: @jasminealleva
Describe a typical day when on a job:
I get up around 7:30am, make tea, check my email about 70 times, check Instagram (part of the job), drink my tea and get ready. I’m a stresshead, so I usually sprint out the door with worry that I’ll miss my bus or something. Then I take the bus and public transport (if I’m feeling particularly late; I’ll reluctantly take an Uber) and meander my way around cities with my phone open trying to find castings. At castings, they take my comp card, maybe a few pictures, and we exchanged blah blah blahs. By the end of the day, I’ll have gone to around 4 or 5 castings or go-sees (meetings) and will be MAD exhausted. Then I have to whine my way through a workout - because I pay for them and I hate wasting money. I get to sleep by 11 after some reading or mindlessly browsing the internet for hours.
What is some advice you would give to someone starting out that you wish someone gave to you?
AHH. So much! First and foremost, be yourself and the jobs will come. Have a backup plan but spend yourself in this and make it worthy of something bigger.
How do you stay inspired?
I know I’m championing for a lot of little girls out there and a lot of people from small towns with big dreams. They’re looking at me. I’m going to give them something to look at.
image c/o: @jasminealleva
Favorite album of the season?
Hahaha, “Faith” by George Michael (Rest his beautiful soul) because I’m me. And they don’t make bangers like this anymore.
Who is your favorite designer / current muse?
I will forever and ever love Alexander Wang. My muse is this little baddie I know named Savannah Gray. Her style is flawless and I try to emulate her sometimes but can’t pull it off.
What are your off-duty style/beauty staples?
I definitely rock champion sweats and BP tee shirts because I’m lazy, broke, and love being comfortable. If I’m not in my modeling clothes (black on black on boring on black), I’m usually in some type of sportswear because it’s ALL PURPOSE. I never know when I’ll need to be forced to run somewhere, so I’m always ready in case there’s a random marathon or whatever.
image c/o: @jasminealleva
Daily Mantra?
“I’m brave and strong and strong and fearless and brave.” It’s something my mom used to say when she’d make me go out to the very scary garage we had attached to our house. It legit gets me through anything. Also “fuck em, they don’t mean shit” because... fuck em. They don’t mean shit.
image c/o: @jasminealleva