Britney I'm A Slave 4 U Makeup Tutorial

One of my BFFs*, Meghan, and I have been Britney Spears Fan Girls since forever, duh.  Nothing has really changed since 8th grade meaning, Britney is still our go to conversation topic when we are straight chillin' on a night in, or trollin' at some random place out and about.  At brunch the other day we had the genius idea of attempting to re-create my personal favorite makeup look of all time: Brit's eye look from the classic "Slave 4 U" music video.  Since we love to give back, we thought a tutorial video was the best platform for sharing our passion.  I don't know how helpful the tutorial actually is, but I can tell you there was a lot of love and effort put into the filming process.  It is our hope that others attempt to re-create the look themselves and tag the finished look and/or process with mine and Meg's signature hashtag #BritDreams.  I will include some after photos for additional look reference.  Best of luck on your Brit look and most importantly, have fun with it AKA get it, get it, get it, get it, whoooa!

*In the words of Mindy "Best Friend is not a person, it's a tier."