Featured Bachelorette: Hannah Elizabeth

Hannah Elizabeth

1. Hannie
2. Hannah Montana
3. and the ever popular Hannah Banana

Birthday / Star Sign:
12/05 - Sagittarius

Anchorage, AK

Serious shopaholic/shop girl at Her Tern Boutique.

Hannah, describe yourself in five words: 
Goofy, happy, protective, intelligent, and (most likely) sleepy.

Tess, describe Hannah in five words:
Sophisticated, wise beyond her years, quick witted, savvy, and charming.

Favorite hobbies & top passions?
Exploring, hiking, reading, music, movies, shopping.

Favorite foods:
You can never go wrong with pizza but sushi is a close second.

Favorite flowers: 
Tulips, sunflowers, peonies, star gazer lilies!

Favorite holiday (you can say your birthday):
Christmas because nothing is better than being cozy and peppermint everything.

First e-mail address:
hockey_chic7@hotmail.com (when you play hockey but you’re still too fabulous for most…)

Top three albums of all time: 
Ceremonials - Florence + the Machine, Daylight - Ron Pope, AM- Arctic Monkeys (but this changes weekly based on my mood of course.)

Movies you love that would make or break the relationship:
Walk the Line is key here.

Celebrity crush:
It’s a close tie between Ry Gos (obvi) and Ian Somerhalder (have you SEEN him??)

Dream date on a weekday:
Grabbing coffee and going for a walk.

Dream date on a weekend:
A road trip with lots of laughs, music, and exploring!

Gentlemen, get at me if you are someone who: 
Can go with the flow and be carefree but also isn’t afraid to take charge and be my knight in shining armor.

Fella’s stay away if you are someone who:
Thinks partying is everything.

Favorite Tessie memory (it’s important for people to know):
Musical throwback Thursday at work! Listening to Tess serenade me with Mariah and then rap along with Snoop and Dre is something everyone needs to experience in their life. 

Words of wisdom & encouragement for fabulous single gals everywhere:
You are the most important person in your life! If there isn’t a man there to love you then it’s no thing because you’re amazing on your own anyway.