Featured Bachelorette: Lindsey Cecilia
1. LC
2. Linds
3. L-train (jk)
Birthday / Star Sign:
06/01 - Gemini
Anchorage, AK
Liaison between guest and chef.
Lindsey, describe yourself in five words:
Joke-y, fun, weird, loyal, and hungry.
Tess, describe Lindsey in five words:
Flawless, hysterical, generous, focused and fabulous.
Favorite hobbies & top passions?
Family, friends, food, traveling, marathons (Netflix), anything of a chill nature.
Favorite foods:
Spaghetti. But I really don't discriminate when it comes to food!
Favorite flowers:
Peonies, roses, hydrangeas. Anything pink or white.
Favorite holiday (you can say your birthday):
Christmas and my birthday. Basically when people give me gifts.
First e-mail address:
roxychic68@hotmail.com 69 was taken...
Top three albums of all time:
A Night at the Opera, Hot Fuss, Abbey Road.
Movies you love that would make or break the relationship:
Disney anything, Goodfellas, the Notebook (duh).
Celebrity crush:
Chris Pratt (I loved him when he was chunky).
Dream date on a weekday:
Ice cream and/or movie.
Dream date on a weekend:
Day trip somewhere pretty and fun.
Gentlemen, get at me if you are someone who:
Is all about that bass. Also- nice, funny, independent, and goes to church on Sunday. But isn't above inappropriate jokes.
Fella’s stay away if you are someone who:
Is all about the party scene, takes things too literal, can't be direct. Ugh.
Describe your ideal M.A.S.H. situation:
Mansion, Range Rover, 4 kids, Santa Barbara, CA/Seattle, WA, Cooper Helfet.
Favorite Tessie memory (it’s important for people to know):
Every single one! I loved our day date with Joey all over the Phoenix valley! Clearing pools, fake jersey accents, eating in restaurants Martha Stewart swears by, going to bars and not drinking, all while laughing HYSTERICALLY!
Words of wisdom & encouragement for fabulous single gals everywhere:
"You deserve the best in life, so if the time isn't right, then move on. Second best is never enough, you'll do much better, baby, on your own" - Madonna, Express Yourself